Tweezers make use of two third-class levers connected at one fixed end (the fulcrum point of each lever), with the pincers at the others.
Tweezers have many uses, such as gold panning, in the manual construction or repair of many things such as models, clockwork, surface mount electronics; or in cosmetics for plucking eyebrows.
Two sticks would be used to pinch another stick over a stone age fire. Tweezers are known to have been used in predynastic Egypt. There are drawings of Egyptian craftsmen holding hot pots over ovens with a double-bow shaped tool. Asiatic tweezers, consisting of two strips of metal brazed together, were common to Mesopotamia and India about 3000 B.C. These likely served purposes such as catching lice. There is evidence of Roman shipbuilders pulling nails out of construction with plier-type pincers.
All kinds of Tweezers are available at Manicure4u.
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